These friends were desperate to get their stricken one into the presence of Jesus, but the crowds had pressed into the house, and there was no room for them to squeeze through.  But they did not give up hope or go away in despair, and neither should we when obstacles stand between us and the grace of Christ.  They clambered up to the housetop, removed the tiling of the roof, and lowered the man down on his bed directly before Jesus.

Our blessed Lord’s tender heart could not help but be moved by the strong faith of these men.  Those who press through every difficulty to obtain what they desire of Him, who like Jacob cry out, “I will not let Thee go except Thou bless me,” are just the kind of seekers He wants.  And, as so often occurs, when men diligently seek His blessing, He gives more than they desire.  This palsied man and his friends had wanted a bodily ailment healed.  But Jesus offered something of greater and more permanent value than a restored body.  “Son,” He said, “thy sins are forgiven thee.”  Even had He stopped there, the palsied man could have left His presence happy, for the forgiveness of sins can bring joy unspeakable and full of glory to the heart of any person, no matter how miserable their outward circumstances might be!