No Escape

The book of Jeremiah is filled with poignant pictures of judgment, and the text from which this sermon is derived is second to none. Here the judgment is pronounced, the calamity of destruction visited upon the nation by the Chaldeans. So swift and so certain is God’s judgment that none whom it targets will be able to escape. All this was just retribution upon them for their idolatry, for having multiplied their false gods so that they were more than their cities.

This kind of text is always a timely reminder. There is a danger of over-emphasizing the love of God, to the point where we no longer believe in wrath and judgment. This is a fatal mistake. The New Testament is just as clear as the Old, that none who refuse to repent will find favor with God, but must all likewise perish. There is no escape to those who do not submit to God, and seek mercy on His terms.